< iStitch
Friday 11 April 2008
Needleroll start

I made a start on my needleroll for the Monthly Finishing Challenge. The pattern is called Plymouth Mass by Eventide Designs and I brought it in a great needlework shop called  The Sampler Needlework in Plymouth a few years ago, to stitch as a memento of my trip. The fabric is 32ct platinum linen and I am using the suggested DMC floss but I really wish I had stitched with one thread instead of the recommended two but I've gone too far to change now. I worked from the middle downwards and am now working my way up. 


And for those watching my eggling  - it's sprouted!

Thanks for visiting
Take care and have a great weekend

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  • On 11 April 2008 at 15:39, Blogger Karoline

    Nice start on the needleroll, how 'eggciting' to see the seedlings :)

  • On 11 April 2008 at 16:07, Blogger Kendra

    I saw those eggs at a home improvement store the other day. I was going to pick one up, but then I remembered that I'm a plant killer. To spare the future plant, I just left it there. :-)

  • On 11 April 2008 at 16:19, Blogger staci

    Nice needleroll start~~a really lovely design!

  • On 11 April 2008 at 17:05, Blogger valerie

    Nice progress on the needleroll. I love the eggling! I so want one. I wonder if it will survive in my apartment. It becomes quite a sauna in summer. It's so cute though...I may have to try!

  • On 11 April 2008 at 18:02, Blogger Edgar

    What a super start on the needleroll...I got all the stuff together but have not started yet...

  • On 11 April 2008 at 20:13, Blogger Kim B

    What joy to see the sprout has sprung! And I can't wait to see your needle roll all finished up! We went to Plymouth a few years ago - my sister and I with my dad who lives in Mass - and were surprised to see how small Plymouth Rock is. My sister still calls it "Plymouth Pebble" when she remembers the trip. :)

  • On 11 April 2008 at 21:19, Blogger Rowyn

    Great start on the needleroll. It will be interesting to see what plant eventually grows in the egg, it's such a cool idea!

  • On 12 April 2008 at 00:24, Blogger Janaina

    Ohhhh look at your egg baby! It´s growing! Well done, mommy!:o)
    The needleroll is turning out great! Cant wait to see your next progress!

  • On 12 April 2008 at 01:16, Blogger Michele B.

    I love that needleroll design and it looks wonderful, even with the two threads. Can't wait to see it finished. That little eggling is adorable and such a reminder that spring is here.

  • On 12 April 2008 at 16:21, Blogger WendyJo

    The needleroll is looking really lovely Carol and as Karoline said...how "eggciting" to see the seedlings!

  • On 12 April 2008 at 23:18, Blogger Mylene

    A very good start, Carol. Have a nice weekend too.

  • On 13 April 2008 at 14:18, Blogger Dani - tkdchick

    That's a cute little start!