I was surfing blogs earlier this morning and was busy catching up on
Danielle's blog. Reading her post of December 10 I was interested in the pictures of her stitching room and that of her very organised charts drawer. Clicking to enlarge the picture I discovered, much to my surprise, that amongst some very famous names in the stitching world, was a little tab labelled 'iStitch' - fancy little me being there - nestled between Helga Mandl and Little House Needleworks. Thank you Danielle - you have made my day!
No stitching pictures to show you. I am working on the dreaded
Beatrix and I am determined to get at least 2 motifs done for December. Once I have done penance with this one, I will stitch my section on
Emblem of Love RR which has to be mailed out on January 19.
Sew in Love will be released before the end of the year and stitching will begin on a new design.
I received a beautiful birthday gift from
WendyJo this morning and will post a picture shortly. Thank you WendyJo for such a thoughtful gift.
Thanks for visting
Take care
Awww Carol - don't dread Bea! You'll be alright as soon as you get her out. She really is a joy to work on and quite addictive. Merry Christmas to you and yours. xx