The mailman fought his way through the ice and snow to deliver a package from across the English Channel. Inside a Dove to represent peace and friendship; exquisitely stitched on 40ct Gander linen with Soie Surfine from the AVAS warehouse in Paris.
Also inside the package was the wonderful neck warmer of golden hue to ward off the winter blues. It fastens by means of a co-ordinating pin. And see the golden beads peaking from the fur? Thank you
Valie! All photos by Valie - it is much too dark to take my own!
I have also been unable to photograph Beatrix Potter but as soon as I can I will show her off.
The animal sampler now has a name; the model is both stitched and hem-stitched but needs to be photographed. I will announce the name chosen and the winner of the competition in the next day or so when I release the chart. There were so many suggestions that I put those I liked into my Nantucket basket and drew out the winning name. Thank you to all who put time and effort into thinking up names.
I am working on a hem-stitch tutorial so please be patient.
Yesterday I made a small start on
Travelling Sisterhood - again pictures to follow. I feel bad that it has taken me such a long time to get to this one but, now I've made a start, I will try to get it done as quickly as possible so that I can send her on her way. I am stitching 1*1 on 30ct cream linen with recommended DMC threads.
Thanks for visiting
Take care
Labels: Gifts, Sisterhood
what lovely gifts. Wow, you were blessed!
Congrats on B. Potter. I keep stumbling along on mine. Little by little!!