< iStitch
Saturday 30 August 2008
Jayne's Attic stitching challenge

Today is reveal day for Jayne's Attic Stitching Challenge for August which is a freebie from AMAP (chart here). I originally decided to stitch it in one colour but halfway through I decided that the corner would look nice in colour. I also wanted to 'finish' it as a tiny flatfold needlebook but as I was working last week I knew I wouldn't have time to do this so I fell back on a pinkeep and I am pleased with the result. It is stitched on 40ct ivory linen with the alphabet and borders in Vicki Clayton's Raisin Wine and the corner piece in AVAS silk flosses. The tiny pins are Clover Applique pins and the backing fabric is just a plain co-ordinating colour.  

I have also been working on Hannah Beeby for a short while each evening and I will take a photo shortly. She's looking good!

I thought yesterday was my last day at work but the lady that had surgery is not recovering as quickly as she had hoped so they have asked me to come in for three days next week starting on Tuesday which does mean that I get a three day weekend. Another good thing about working is that I was able to take some mat board in and use the guillotine to cut pieces for my HOE Halloween exchange and a Christmas ornament both of which are ready for finishing now. 

Thank you to all my visitors who leave such lovely comments and to those who lurk - don't be shy leave a comment so I can make a return visit to you!

Have a good weekend 
Take care

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