< iStitch
Thursday 6 November 2008
Another gloomy day!

Our Stitch-n-Bitch birthday meal went well and, as we had the restaurant completely to ourselves, we did get a bit 'noisy'. These are the two 'birthday girls' - Sue on the left and Sylvie on the right although it's not a particularly good photo as I had to merge two into one and it now looks as though they share an arm! None of the photos came out very well although I only took about three. My birthday is next so I can choose the restaurant this time round but, of course, as my birthday is so close to Christmas, we need to book early so I must make up my mind soon. 

This is an update of Valerie's QFRR as I managed to do a small part yesterday and I hope to finish this motif later this afternoon.  It had been so long since I had worked on a piece of this RR that I could not find the pattern so it therefore took me ages to locate it. I am usually well organised and have project bags but because this is an RR and, once it gets mailed on, the only thing I have is the pattern, I do not have a project bag so hence the pattern got mixed up with a pile of other patterns. 

I am finding it very hard to motivate myself these days, the lack of light is getting worse day by day which means I am getting worse too. I put my light box on earlier but nothing is the same as natural sunlight. I am due to visit the doctor shortly so I will mention this to her but I have already been diagnosed with SAD so I don't expect she will be able to do much. A prescription to spend the winter in a warm sunny climate might help though!   

Do any of you have a Kindle? And, if so, are they worth the money? I checked them out on Amazon.com and they look amazing so I went over to Amazon.co.uk and it seems they do not sell it on their UK site! Does this mean they do not work worldwide? Obviously I would be able to read it but would I be able to download the books or re-charge it using an adapter? Any comments/views would be much appreciated.

Thanks for visiting
Take care

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  • On 6 November 2008 at 16:55, Blogger Annette

    Hi Carol!

    I have a Kindle and I love it. I suspect that the reason you don't see it on your Amazon page is the wireless functionality. Amazon's "Whispernet" is served by Sprint here in the US. Until they have a provider in the UK (or anywhere else) I wouldn't expect them to advertise too much.

    The good news, is that you can use a USB connector (included) to transfer files from your computer to the Kindle. Amazon creates a "Digital Library" for you and downloading files to your PC is easy to do. You can also transfer other text-based formats for reading :)

    I love love love my Kindle. I am a constant reader and usually have at least two books in progress at any time. Now that's a Kindle book and a regular one.

    I would suggest that you review Amazon's Kindle offerings before making the purchase. Not every book is automatically formatted, so be sure you've got plenty of options right away.

  • On 6 November 2008 at 17:13, Anonymous Anonymous

    Valerie's RR is looking gorgeous, she has a lovely colour scheme.

    Sorry to hear the weather is getting you down, it's been pretty dreary here too. I think the forecast for tomorrow (at least up here) is for sun though, so hopefully you'll get some too.

  • On 6 November 2008 at 19:46, Blogger Cindy F.

    Carol, So nice that you can get together with friends and celebrate birthdays noisily:) ..lol...
    The QFRR looks great!

    Hey, don't know if you've heard, but Donna over @
    http://stitchingforacure.blogspot.com/ is asking for our help stitching cancer awareness ornaments for 2009. I hope you'll get a chance to check her blog out.

  • On 6 November 2008 at 23:59, Blogger Jeanne

    You have some lovely work here Carol - taking me a while to catch up on all your posts. What a cute exchange you received from Su! I'm sorry the weather has you gloomy. I live in the sunny southwest and I can hardly wait for winter to get a break from the heat. I actually like cloudy days as we don't get them very often! Hopefully you can winter here someday as you would probably really like it!

  • On 7 November 2008 at 04:05, Blogger BeckySC

    The RR is looking just lovely :)

    Sending you sunny ((hugs))

  • On 7 November 2008 at 09:12, Anonymous Anonymous

    sorry you are not having a great itme of it at the mo the bad weather can get you down.. and its so cold but on another note i sit at my table with the daylight lamp on and stitch not the same as daylight but it helps..

  • On 7 November 2008 at 13:53, Blogger WendyJo

    Hi Carol,

    Valerie's RR is looking beautiful, I love the colors.

    Sorry to hear the weather is getting to you...I am feeling it too...the glooming days and all has started to set in here and its pretty hard to deal with at times.

    Sending you big {{hugs}}

  • On 7 November 2008 at 14:07, Blogger Karin

    The RR is looking fantastic! I love the shade of green it's being stitched in.

  • On 7 November 2008 at 15:50, Blogger Edgar

    Sorry to hear you are feeling low and the weather is getting to you. All your stitching is coming along nicely.... BTW when exactly is your Bday? I know it is Dec..but not the date.....and - I am totally green with envy about your outing to the Cantebury. :)

  • On 9 November 2008 at 02:10, Blogger Michele B.

    Just a quick note to tell you I am sending lots of virtual sunshine your way. I admire how much you get done despite not feeling like your usual self. Hang in there and take good care.