< iStitch
Tuesday 12 April 2011
Two iStitch Designs - two finishes!

Michele of Just Another Stitching Blog sent me a picture of her recent finish of Sew a Brown Bunny. Stitched on a miscellaneous piece of 28ct linen with GAST Shutter Green and Belle Soie's Chocolat, Michele chose to finish this as a pillow using the pretty green fabric in the background for the backing. Michele also loved this pattern so much she asked me if it were possible for her to RAK others with the it. I hope her recipients were happy to receive their gifts!

Shari of Shari's Sharings also sent me a picture of her interpretation of Sew Red stitched with Dinky Dyes Madi's Rose and Choco Latte on a mystery (?) linen. Shari is undecided how to finish this piece and is thinking of a needlebook or a stitching journal. I am sure either one will be perfect.

Thank you to both Michele and Shari for allowing me to post these pictures of their lovely stitching. If you have an iStitch finish, I would love to both see it and showcase it so please send it to me with details of fabric and threads used. You can find my email address on my profile.

Sew a Brown Bunny and Sew Red (free with any purchase) are both still available *here* or by clicking on the CHARTS button on the sidebar.

I have now finished stitching the tiny red French sampler LV Paris. I love it but am now wondering whether to hem-stitch it before framing it. I will post a picture shortly.

After my visit to the doctor last week, I am pleased to say that I have now recovered but ... if you remember I mentioned the 'coughing in the waiting room'? Oh yes now I have the most awful cough/cold which means that despite sleeping with 3 pillows, I have not slept properly for the past 3 nights! So if are not very sick when you go to the doctor, you certainly are when you come out!

Thanks for visiting
Take care




  • On 12 April 2011 at 10:17, Blogger Shari

    thanks Carol!!! I appreciate the exposure & the kind words..
    and do get better!!! We know first hand how that cough goes....my husband has had it most of the winter..off & on...more on...

  • On 12 April 2011 at 12:04, Blogger Sally

    Oooh I love those finishes that Michele and Shari did. So pretty.

    Hope you're feeling much much better. Don't say that about the doctor's waiting room!! Lol! I've been this morning and although no one was coughing you do kind of get the feeling you'll be feeling worse than you were already!

  • On 12 April 2011 at 12:55, Blogger Maggee

    Hi Carol! I sure do hope that you can get rid of that cough. My husband has had it for months! he says it is nothing. He gave it to everyone in my house, and we all ended up with bronchitis! My son had it the worst, but is better. Meanwhile, my husband still coughs... I will be emailing you a picture of one of my IStitch finishes that I just love! Hugs.

  • On 12 April 2011 at 13:01, Blogger Carol

    Shari and Michele's work is so pretty. That must make you very proud to see your lovely charts stitched by others, Carol!

    Hope you feel better very soon--it does seem that you risk your health sitting in the doctor's waiting room with all those sick people, doesn't it!!

  • On 12 April 2011 at 14:35, Blogger Bertie

    The finishes are gorgeous Carol, they do your designs proud:))

  • On 12 April 2011 at 14:38, Blogger tangerinedream73

    Sorry to hear that you cough has worsened. Like I said before, doctor's offices and emergency rooms are so germ infested that you're bound to come out with something. Almost every time I take my two to the doctor, we come out with something worse then when we went in. Get some rest my dear friend, hugs to you.

  • On 12 April 2011 at 16:34, Blogger valerie

    Great finishes! I saw a recent Sew Blue of yours on someone's blog recently too. Very pretty! I'm plugging along on one too. I hope it comes out.

    Sorry to hear you're unwell. I hope that you get better soon!

  • On 12 April 2011 at 22:16, Blogger Dora

    Pretty finishes! I hope you'll be feeling better soon. I had a cough/bronchitis for most of March. It seems to be going around now...

  • On 12 April 2011 at 22:54, Anonymous Anonymous

    Don't you just hate that? I always feel really claustrophobic in the dr's waiting room with all those 'sick people' ;) Sorry to hear you managed to pick up a few extra bugs along the way :( These are a couple of lovely finishes of your designs :)

  • On 13 April 2011 at 02:00, Blogger Yuko

    Are you OK? I totally understand that my Tass always get worth than before when he went to pediatrics.
    So recently we go to otoloaryngology to absorb his running nose.
    It's better way to get well soon!
    I hope you will get good seelp tonight!!