< iStitch
Friday 15 February 2013
AEF, Paris 2013

2013 is the 10th birthday/anniversary of the l'aiguille en fête. Our hotel must have known the 'Bond' girls were in town as our room was aptly numbered! Although we arrived in Paris on the day before the show, I thought you would rather see the AEF pictures first so I will post more pictures next time of how we spent our afternoon on the Wednesday!

We arrived at the new venue, Hall 6 at the Porte de Versailles and, as soon as we had disposed of our coats and luggage, we made our way immediately to Aisle C, number 5.4 where we knew we would find Monsieur Roulot and his delightful family and his wonderful display of hand-made scissors. 

Although there were a pair or three of his amazing (and very expensive) scissors that really took my heart, I was extremely good and only purchased some of his less expensive versions. Does five pairs count as 'some'? I originally purchased four pairs but passing by later in the day, I espied another pair which just had to come back with me.

I was actually quite restrained this trip and none of these charms made their way into my bag although Kirby wasn't quite so restrained! At the end of the day she was 'Euro'd out' so it was good that I was able to buy her a chocolate bar at the Eurostar terminal at the Gare du Nord!

I was tempted by this tiny china pot with a some very pretty hand-made pins.

At the end of a very tiring day Kirby rested on the floor before our metro trip back to the Gare du Nord surrounded by our luggage and her purchases.

All of the above pictures are clickable for close up views.

My dear French friend and her family had once again invited us to join her family for a couple of days and I would like to thank her. As usual we exchanged gifts and more of this in my next post.

Thank you for visiting
Take care

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