< iStitch
Friday 25 April 2008
Hurrah it's Friday! But no photos to show
At last it's Friday - my last day at work! Although I have enjoyed it I am glad it's over. It's been great catching up with my friends and, of course, the extra money will come in handy but I have missed 'my time'.

The only stitching I have done this week is to make a start on my freebie chart piece for the HOE exchange and this was only because I went to Stitch-n-Bitch on Wednesday evening. Obviously I cannot post a photo yet but it's nice and I like it, although I am not sure how I will finish it yet. I need to finish off my needleroll this weekend for the Monthly Finishing Challenge and I would like to put a few stitches in Hannah Beeby too. Apart from household chores I have nothing planned so hopefully I will be able to stitch some.  I have already mailed Wendy's RR (and the Quaker scissor keeps) off to Edgar and I am waiting for Wendy to send me Donna's RR. This is my first Round Robin (hopefully not my last) and I am really enjoying it. 

I managed to get a paperback copy of Stephen King's Duma Key off Ebay which I cannot put down. I wouldn't buy this in the hardback version as it's rather a large and heavy book which I find difficult to hold so I have been waiting for it to be released in paperback. The problem is that reading means no stitching - maybe I should have waited until I could have downloaded it from iTunes? I must admit I am not a great Stephen King fan although I have read a few of his earlier books, but Duma Key is set on a fictional island on the west coast of Florida which is where we go for our vacations (the west coast not a fictional island!). Stephen King lives on Casey Key and we have seen his house from Turtle Beach on Siesta Key and I can tell how well he knows the area as he has mentioned several places that I know. It does make me 'homesick' especially as I am not sure we will be able to make a visit this year :-(

Have a good weekend 
Thanks for visiting

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  • On 25 April 2008 at 15:48, Blogger Ele

    Dear Carol,
    thank you very much for visiting my blog. It was a great pleasure for me to see the nice pictures and the wonderful embroidery on your sites.
    Have a nice weekend and a happy stitching time
    Gabriele from Bavaria

  • On 25 April 2008 at 16:25, Blogger Kim B

    I can't wait to see your needle roll! And I don't generally read Stephen King but I've seen a few of his movies and they are scary! Are the books are frightening?

  • On 26 April 2008 at 08:59, Anonymous Anonymous

    hiya carol
    Thankyou for sticking with me whilst i sorted the comp out. got a new one now. think your stitching is fantastic i cant wait to download some picts from my phone and post them on my blog i am going to have to send i to a few people as i think you are the only one that visits. love your stitching roll. it would be nice if you could visit our club again.

    take care happy stitching