Sew Winter - an alphabet, a winter scene, a sprinkling of snow flakes and a few shining stars. This tiny sampler is stitched 1*2 on 36ct steel blue Gander linen with AVAS Blanc Optique, Needlepoint Inc 407 (Forest Green), DMC Metallic Silver and hem-stitched with DMC 927.
The stitch count is the same as that of
Sew Autumn - 97 x 78 - for those wishing to create a seasons bell pull or to stitch all four seasons on one piece of fabric.
This chart is now available
*here* or by clicking on the CHARTS link in the sidebar.
Thanks for visiting - have a good weekend
Take care

Labels: iStitch Designs, Seasons, Sew Winter
oh my!!! That turned out beautiful...I just need more stitching time!!!!